Spring Campus   //  Klein Campus

MP4 (Men of Purpose, Planning, Praise and Prayer)
is an inreach ministry of Spring Baptist Church. Under our Classic's Ministry (55+) this ministry serves widows, widowers and single mothers who are in need of minor home repairs, projects, and lawn care services by men of our church. We desire to help with the Biblical responsibility of caring for our fellow members. Download Form Here

KIT (Keeping In Touch)
This ministry provides packets monthly to our homebound members who are unable to make it to church due to illness. At the first of each month, our group gathers together and prepares boxes full of snacks, gifts and a copy of our recent newsletter.

Volunteers for Christ
Ministering to the widows and widowers in our church our Volunteers for Christ team pairs people with widows and widowers in our church to help forge friendships and meet needs. This often involves, writing cards, calling, taking to lunch and doctor appointments.  

For more information on any of these ministries please contact the Classics Ministry Office Here