The Young Adult Ministry here at Spring is geared to help individuals from high school graduates through age 30, connect with one another and grow in their faith as they follow Jesus. The way we do that is by our LifeGroups on Sunday mornings and The Table on Thursday nights.
For more information please contact Cameron Wiederhold
We begin our Lifegroup time together as one Young Adult Ministry. Then we
separate College and Career Lifegroups to provide teaching more applicable to each life stage.
Our Young Adults 1 LifeGroup which primarily consists of College age individuals; meets in room C110 at 10:30 AM which is near the gym - Spring Campus.
Our Young Adults 2 LifeGroup which primarily consists of young adults in their careers, meets in Room C103 at 10:30 AM which is also near the gym - Spring Campus.
Each Thursday, we gather at our Klein campus for The Table at 7:30 PM. The Table is a midweek gathering for fellowship, diving into God’s Word, and learning application for living. This is a great time to connect with peers and build lasting friendships.