Join us Sundays at 9 AM & 10:30 AM

Whether they play an instrument, sing in the choir, operate a camera, or lead Worship on stage, the members of the Worship Ministry of Spring Baptist Church are all working together to reach the same goal: Glorify God and bring hope to the people.

Children's Worship, Student Worship, Orchestra, Adult Choir, our Modern Service Band, Media, and Singing Hearts make up the ministry of Spring Worship and...we'd like to invite you to join us! Find out more by clicking on the section of interest on the right side of the screen.



In the last two years Spring Worship has had the opportunity to record four albums; two Christmas albums and two non-season worship albums.  Click here for more information on those projects and how to purchase your own copy.



Ministry Staff


marty_r_5f6b5c1ae3019Marty Richardson
Associate Pastor, Music & Worship
CalebW Caleb Walters
Associate Worship Minister
jonathan_l_5f5fd9e451094 Jonathan Lafferty
Technical Director
connie_r_5f62175fce77bConnie Richardson
Children's Worship Director
laura_hLaura Hazelwood
Senior Adult Choir Director

valerie_zValerie Zelada
Worship Ministry Assistant